Źródło opisu
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Bruckstein Ludovic
Drndić Daša
Nikolaidis Andrej
Vojnović Goran
Šehić Faruk
Avdić Selvedin
Bauk Dino
Biçen Aslı
Eliade Mircea
Flisar Evald
Gabriela Babnik
Gatalica Aleksandar
Hoenig Dov
Ilhan Ciler
Jovanović Biljana
Knežević Olja
Koščec Marinko
Kumerdej Mojca
Lubonja Fatos
Matvejević Predrag
Ognjen Spahić
Parvulescu Ioana
Perat Katja
Petkovich Coral
Puhlovski Marina Šur
Savičević Olja
Schnabl Ana
Tompa Andrea
Vilikovský Pavel
Čander Mitja
İlhan Çiler
Šarotar Dušan
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
Kraj wydania
40 wyników Filtruj
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After nine months of self-imposed isolation following his wife's departure, the hero of Seven Terrors finally decides to face his loneliness and join the world once more. However, when the daughter of his old friend Alex appears in his flat one morning with the news that her father has disappeared, he realises that his life is again about to change. As the two search for clues in Alex's war diary, unearthed in a library in Sweden, they come upon tales of unspeakable horror and mystery: meetings with ghosts, a town under siege, demonic brothers who ride on the wings of war, and many more things so dangerous – and so precious – that they can only be discussed by the dead.As investigation into Alex's disappearance continues, readers will be drawn further and further into a surreal world where rationality has vanished, evil spreads like a virus and not even love can offer an escape. While Charon, Hades' mythical ferryman, can be found behind the wheel of a taxi and dead horses are seen flying across the sky, cracks begin to erode reality and people start to go missing. Here, amidst such chaos, our hero endeavours to cling to his sanity, doing his best to solve the riddle of Alex's disappearance while attempting to save his own soul and bring love back into his life.Startling, unusual and intense, Seven Terrors may well be considered the perfect post-war nightmare."It's quite unlike anything I've read before, but it has all the consistency and force of something major and assured. (Remarkably, this is the author's first novel.) That it has room for humour is testament to Avdić's confidence" Nick LezardThis book is also available as a eBook. Buy it from Amazon here.
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The End. And Again / Dino Bauk. - [miejsce nieznane] : Istros Books : Legimi, 2019.
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The End. And Again is a novel about war, romance and rock 'n' roll. It takes us back to Ljubljana and the Balkans in late 1980s and early 1990s through the reminiscences of an embittered bureaucrat Peter, a corrupt manager Goran and eternal runaway Mary. After taking a fateful bus ride, Mary once fell in love with Denis, a passionate rock musician, but their love story was tragically cut short when she, a young missionary, was ordered to leave the country for violating the Mormon code, and Denis was cast from his peaceful life in Ljubljana, exiled and sent tumbling into the ravages of the Balkan war.The main character's memories of the years when their interests revolved more around their band, music and above all love than around the turbulent political situation that derailed their lives, intersect with those of Denis in the maelstrom of war.A lack of any meaningful resolution to their story haunts them all and forces them to search for a different end(ing). (And) Again.
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Snapping Point / Aslı Biçen. - [miejsce nieznane] : Istros Books : Legimi, 2021.
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'But for that slender connection with the mainland, Andalıç would have been a regular island,' says Aslı Biçen in the opening chapter of this deliciously multi-layered novel. And it would have been an ordinarystory about love and loss,if it weren't for theearthquake thatunexpectedly sets the landmass afloat on the Aegean, kindling a series of increasingly oppressive measures by the authorities;ostensibly to keep public order. As Andalıç drifts between Greece and Turkey, things get from bad to worse, until eventuallyour heroes,Cemal and Jülide, join the growing resistance, and even nature lends a helping hand, offering a secret underground system that plays its part in ousting the tyranny.What starts as the realistic tale of a charming provincial town develops into a richly detailed political novel in a fantastic setting. Biçen's dreamy language weaves a flowing style that transports the reader into every nook and cranny of Andalıç and the crystal-clearwaters of the Aegean;her metaphors are imaginative, her observations insightful, and her descriptions melodious.
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The Trap / Ludovic Bruckstein. - [miejsce nieznane] : Istros Books : Legimi, 2019.
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The Trap & The Rag Doll are two novellas by the Romanian writer Ludovic Bruckstein, that have remained undiscovered for many years. Both narratives are concerned with extraordinary stories of survival and struggle within the multicultural Transylvanian region during the time of Nazi occupation.The Trap is the story of Ernest, a young Jewish student from Sighet, who went into hiding in the mountains surrounding the town, when anti-Semitic persecutions began. From his hiding places he witnessed the fate of the Jewish population of the town until they are all sent away, in May 1944, in four long cattle-train transports to Auschwitz. Shortly thereafter, the Russian soldiers 'liberate' the town, and Ernest eagerly returns to his parent's house. However the Russians, suspicious of a young man that suddenly appears in town, out of nowhere, arrest him and exile him to a prisoner camp in Siberia! Critics saw in this last novel of his an allegorical rendering of the situation of many Jews, who, like himself, after World-War II, readily joined the "World-Wide Communist Revolution" to avenge the atrocities of Nazism, only to find themselves trapped in cruel, dictatorial regimes that became suspicious of them and refused to allow their assimilation and integration, quite like the regimes before the war.
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The stories in this collection are stories of the lives and struggles of a wonderful variety of characters living in the Maramures region, in the years leading up to a war that will suddenly and irretrievably destroy the pattern of their existence. The eerily shocking ending of many of these stories is the moment their protagonists climb on the cattle trains to be transported to Auschwitz; while leaving the tale of their often tragic fate unstated. Bruckstein's works, novels, stories and plays, deal with the sometimes cruel, sometimes comic, lives of simple people whose fate is controlled by highly unpredictable forces. These he describes with understanding, compassion and forgiveness; smiling at the petty worries and trivialities that people take so seriously, while often remaining unaware of very real and existential dangers. He belongs to a generation so well described by the writer Czeslaw Milosz, in his book, The Captive Mind: "Few inhabitants of the Baltic States, Poland or Czechoslovakia, of Hungary or Romania, could summarize in a few words the story of their existence. Their lives have been complicated by the course of historic events".
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Blind Man / Mitja Čander. - [miejsce nieznane] : Istros Books : Legimi, 2021.
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The main character and narrator of Blind Man is a successful book editor and critic with severely impaired vison, although he has never had much to do with the visually impaired community and doesn't really feel like he is one of them. But when he is offered a chance to enter the world of politics, he is "blinded" by the lure of power, and this easy-going, level-headed husband and soon-to-be father gradually turns into a self-absorbed careerist. Author Mitja Čander, without pontificating and with a measured dose of humour, paints a critical, unsparing portrait of a small European country and through it a convincing satire on the psychological state of contemporary European society. What, or who, do we still believe in today, and who should we trust? Politicians, apparatchiks, the media? Speeches laden with buzzwords and grandiose promises break down the flimsy façade, as the protagonist's own insecurity suggests that things are not always what they seem. In the end, social blindness is worse than any physical impairment, and worst of all is to be blinded by your own ego.
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In typical Drndić style, the reader is offered a view of the past and the present through a collage of different genres - from (pseudo) autobiography to documentary material and culinary recipes as the narrative explores different perspectives on the issue of emigration, the unresolved history of the Second World War, while emphasising the absurdity of politics of differences between neighbouring nations. Tea Radan, the narrator of the novel Canzone di Guerra, reflects on her own past and in doing so, composes a forgotten mosaic of historical events that she wants to first tear apart and then reassemble with all the missing fragments. In front of the readers eyes, a collage of different genres takes place - from (pseudo) autobiography to documentary material and culinary recipes. With them, the author Daša Drndić skillfully explores different perspectives on the issue of emigration and the unresolved history of the Second World War, while emphasizing the absurdity of politics of differences between neighboring nations. The narrator subtly weaves the torturous story of searching for her own identity with a relaxed, sometimes disguised ironic style, which takes the reader surprisingly easily into the world of persecution and the sense of alienation between herself and others.
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Doppelgänger / Daša Drndić. - [miejsce nieznane] : Istros Books : Legimi, 2018.
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Doppelgänger consists of two stories that skillfully revisit the question of "doubles" (famously explored by Stevenson, Dostoyevsky and others), and how an individual is perpetually caught between their own beliefs and those imposed on them by society. 'Arthur and Isabella' is a story of the relationship between two elderly people who meet on New Year's Eve — a romantic encounter which turns into a grotesque portrayal of the loneliness of old age. The second story 'Pupi' — a strange mirror of the first — centres on the life of a man who ends up on the streets and associates only with street-sellers the rhinoceroses in the zoo. Together these tales crate the highly original atmosphere that Drndić is famous for in all her works.
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The short-sighted adolescent is a poor schoolboy who is in love with literature, and tries to emulate the lives and works of the writers he most admires. He is also fascinated by science and history, and stays up all night reading. At the age of 17 he decides to write a novel to prove to his teachers that he is not as mediocre as his fellow pupils, and is prepared to give up everything in order to do so. The novel is written in a series of notebooks - the 'diary' of the title - but instead of achieving fame as an author, the myopic protagonist fails his exams and has to repeat the school year.From the perspective of a schoolboy's diary of everyday life in Bucharest in the early 20th century, - his teachers, his classmates' academic and amorous rivalries, his first sexual experiences - we are introduced to the themes of religion, self-knowledge, erotic sensibility, artistic creation and otherness, subjects that would preoccupy Mircea Eliade, one of Romania's most prominent intellectuals, until the end of his life. Diary of a Short-Sighted Adolescent
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A Swarm of Dust / Evald Flisar. - [miejsce nieznane] : Istros Books : Legimi, 2018.
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"A world without truth would be an immensely sad place," states the magistrate in the murder trial of local boy, Janek. A young man with serious mental issues, Janek weaves a 'chestnut crown' from the leaves of a supposedly sacred tree in a attempt to rid himself of the demons of the past through a pagan ceremony. The crown is later found on the body of the farmer Geder - stabbed to death with a bread knife. Through a series of flashbacks during the subsequent interrogations, we learn of Janek's story: from the perversion of his relationship with his mother, to the frustrations of his love affair with Daria and his inability to complete his studies or free himself from the ghosts which haunt him. A Swarm of Dust is widely considered to be one of Flisar's finest works of fiction, questioning the very notion of objective truth and subverting the norms of Judeo-Christian morality.
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Dry Season / Babnik Gabriela. - [miejsce nieznane] : Istros Books : Legimi, 2015.
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Gabriela Babnik's novel Dry Season breaks the mold of what we usually expect from a writer from a small, Central European nation. With a global perspective, Babnik takes on the themes of racism, the role of women in modern society and the loneliness of the human condition. Dry Season is a record of an unusual love affair. Anna is a 62-year-old designer from Central Europe and Ismael is a 27-year-old African who was brought up on the street, where he was often the victim of abuse. What unites them is the loneliness of their bodies, a tragic childhood and the dry season, or 'Harmattan', during which neither nature nor love is able to flourish. She soon realizes that the emptiness between them is not really caused by their skin colour and age difference, but predominantly by her belonging to the Western culture in which she has lost or abandoned all the preordained roles of daughter, wife and mother. Sex does not outstrip the loneliness and repressed secrets from the past surface into a world she sees as much crueller and, at the same time, more innocent than her own.Cleverly written as an alternating narrative of both sides in the relationship, the novel is interlaced with magic realism and accurately perceived fragments of African political reality.
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The Great War is a novel that comprehensively and passionately narrates a number of stories covering the duration of World War One, starting with the year 1914 – the year that truly marked the beginning of the 20th century. Following the destinies of over seventy characters, on all warring sides, Gatalica depicts the experiences of winners and losers, generals and opera singers, soldiers and spies; including the British spy, Oswald Rayner, the Russian mystic Rasputin, and Field Marshal Boroievich von Boina of the Austro-Hungarian army. The stories themselves are various but equally important: here we find joyful as well as tragic destinies, along with examples of exceptional heroism, which collectively manage to grasp the atmosphere of the entire epoch. Yet The Great War never becomes a chronicle, or a typical historical novel; above all it is a work of art that uses historic events as means to tell many fantastic stories, with unbelievable and unthinkable convolutions. It is commendable in its breadth, its vision and its relevance to modern history.Aleksandar Gatalica is a prolific author, editor and translator (from ancient Greek). His prose work has won him just about every literary award in modern Serbia, and he has published 11 titles. His distinguished professional career has seen him editor of pages on world literature for Serbian newspapers, as well as Serbian PEN Centre editions and the National Broadcast Network. Presently, Gatalica holds the position of the General Manager of the Foundation of the Serbian National Library.This book is also available as a eBook. Buy it from Amazon here.
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Bucharest, before and during World War II, where Bernard Davidescou lives with his parents and his older brother on Triumph Street, in the middle of a courtyard block inhabited by a dozen Jewish families and two Christian ones. When Romania, under General Ion Antonescu's dictatorship, allies itself with Hitler and invades the USSR, the Jews in Bucharest face the threat of being sent to the Nazi extermination camps, after having survived the terror of the fascist Iron Guard. However, each Sunday morning, young Bernard, age twelve, passionate about politics and history, amazes the adults in the courtyard, Jews and Christians alike, with his analysis of the political situation in Romania and the development of the war on all fronts.'Rue du Triomphe' is the story of this young boy and his dreams and torments during this dark period of human history, while also chronicling a family in crisis, the discovery of sexuality and first loves, and the distraction offered by the cinema, religious searching and idealistic aspirations for a better world.
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Exile / Ciler Ilhan. - [miejsce nieznane] : Istros Books : Legimi, 2015.
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Exile is a collection of short stories with the taste of a novel. The over-riding theme is the sense of melancholy of those who have been alienated from their homeland, from their families or from society. By offering the reader short, vivid glimpses into other worlds; be they of real or fictional characters, Ilhan builds a patchwork of stories which highlight the lives of the dispossessed. As a woman writing in modern day Turkey, she is not afraid to take on the themes of honour killings or the American occupation of Iraq. All stories are open to her empathy and understanding.Born in 1972, Çiler İlhan worked as a hotelier, a freelance writer (Boğaziçi, Time Out İstanbul, etc.) and an editor (Chat, Travel+Leisure) at different periods of her life. İlhan, based in İstanbul, now works as the public relations manager of the Çırağan Palace Kempinski hotel. In 1993, she received a prestigious youth award for a short story. The award was a tribute to the memory of Yaşar Nabi, a leading publisher and writer. Ilhan's stories, essays, book reviews, travel articles and translations into Turkish have been published in a variety of journals and newspaper supplements.
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Engagement / Çiler İlhan. - [miejsce nieznane] : Istros Books : Legimi, 2024.
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A celebratory dinner and engagement ceremony is to be held at a large home in Our Village, in southeast Turkey. Halil, the cousin of the future bride, Leyla, is sent to a nearby village to buy the traditional cologne. Leyla's sister, Maral, is told to go door-to-door to remind everyone to attend. Throughout the long day, the other women of the household clean, cook and toil. Meanwhile, a dust storm descends out of nowhere and a menacing mist settles over the village streets. This harrowing tale, which spans sixteen hours and is told through the eyes of a mysterious narrator, delves into the bad blood between two timeless villages where most of the men are heavily armed village guards, and there is money to be made in agriculture, oil, fish farms and more. Geographical complexities, tangled relations, hazy memories and unreliable witnesses make for a story in which perhaps is nothing as it seems…
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The protagonist in Dogs and Others is the first openly lesbian character in modern Serbian literature, but she is also so much more than that, as she encapsulates the zeitgeist of her generation. Coming of age in 1970s Belgrade, then the capital city of thriving, socialist Yugoslavia, we follow Lida and the bohemian life she leads, made more complicated by the trials and tribulations of her eccentric family. The whole novel breathes with a raw sensibility so aptly captured in the voice of the heroine — a striking, rebellious, overtly feminist and somewhat neurotic young woman.
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Catharine's tragectory in life is accompanied by failures in love, family traumas and an incredible romance with handsome Sinisa. The novel takes us through turbulent times in the Balkan region, from the eighties to the present day, portraying growing up in the twilight of communism, and giving intimate insights into all that happened to the region after that.Carefully crafted characters and masterful, dynamic storytelling place Catherine the Great and the Small in the company of the very best of novels , which speak about the reality of their geographic setting and are remembered for their convincing, strong, maladjusted characters. Catherine is certainly one of them: a powerful female voice seeking her place within her family, among friends, in the cities she lives in, and constructing her unique identity as a daughter, granddaughter, friend, mistress, wife and a mother.'The splendid language of this novel is skilfully and vividly translated, and the narrative is compelling. What is also striking is the portrayal of the characters with all their flaws and foibles (and who gain our sympathy perhaps particularly because of them). This inclusiveness of vision towards both characters and places – without judgement, rejecting nothing – is a special quality. It is the viewpoint of our greatest organ of perception, the heart, a territory that Olja Knežević knows well and has made her own.' Morelle Smith, Scottish Review'This is not a they lived happily ever after novel, not least because they lived happily ever after all too often does not happen in the real world. Catherine struggles, she falls, she fails, she picks herself up, she carries on, for herself and those she loves, and, somehow, she does not get the perfect situation but makes an accommodation with those around her, keeps her head help up high and marches on. We can only wish her well.' The Modern Novel
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A Handful of Sand is a love story and an ode to lost opportunity. Now far from his homeland, the novel's protagonist looks back on his life, from his childhood, university days and first working experience to more intimate emotional events, making critical observations on human relationships and human existence. Interchanging with the chapters written in the narrator's voice are those narrated by a woman. As her story progresses, we realise that she is the love of his life: something that she hopes he will realise before it is too late.''Croatia's foremost literary stylist, Marinko Koščec produces the kind of novels that combine crafted sentences and structural experiments without ever losing their storytelling drive'' TIMEOUT CROATIAThis book is also available as a eBook. Buy it from Amazon here.
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An epic, homourous and quite unique historical novel which looks at Central Europe in the 16th century – a territory plagued by ceaseless battles for supremacy between the Protestant political elite and the ruling Catholic Habsburg Monarchy, as well as the ongoing battle between the sexes. In Kumerdej's wonderful saga, history and fiction intertwine in wavelike fashion, producing a colourful portrait of the Renaissance; permeated by humanist attempts to resurrect antiquity through art, new scientific findings, and spirited philosophical and theological debates.
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The book contains eleven dramatic and often horrifying stories, each describing the life of a different prisoner in the camps and prisons of communist Albania. The prisoners adapt, endure, and generally survive, all in different ways. They may conform, rebel, construct alternative realities of the imagination, cultivate hope, cling to memories of lost love, or devisenincreasingly strange and surreal strategies of resistance.The characters inndifferent stories are linked to one another, and in their human relationships create a total picture of a secret and terrifying world. In the prisoners' back stories, the anecdotes they tell, and their political discussions, the book also reaches out beyond the walls and barbed wire to give the reader a panoramic picture of life in totalitarian Albania.
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